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289 Track Club
Our Mission is to give every athlete the opportunity to develop THEIR God-given abilities to their greatest potential in whatever event(s) they pursue. We want to help them learn the skills needed to be a track athlete (speed, correct form, to develop a great work ethic, to be brave and try new things, to have incredible sportsmanship and self discipline). Whether athletes are competing at the local, state, or national level, 289 Track Club will provide an environment for our athletes to flourish.
Important Information
What will practices look like?
Practices will start with going through different warm ups followed by a workout for the different events and age groups.
We desire for this to be a fun experience so we will try and be creative in making it fun and exciting, but we will also want to challenge them to push themselves to do things they may have never done before.
Also as an outsider please understand that our philosophy is a "Less is More" mindset. We will NOT just run and run and run. That makes kids slow!
Are Practices Mandatory?
All 289 Track Club events including practices and meets are OPTIONAL. Practices are NOT mandatory. We acknowledge that in this day and age our kids are on the go all the time and are involved in numerous activities. In fact we encourage that. We are giving you as a family the opportunity to make whatever you want out of this experience. If you want to be at every practice and every meet - AWESOME! If you want to just come to practices and not compete - AWESOME!
You can choose to come to as much or as little as your schedule allows.
What are the Age Ranges?
Ages 7-18 years old are able to register.
Athletes MUST be born in 2016 to be eligilbe to compete in meets. ​Divisions are based on year of birth and are in two year intervals. Your track age is your age on December 31, 2023.
Meet Schedules
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